(rust fungi)

Subtaxon Example images Rank Featured
No of
No of
ID refs
 (Click to open)
Family 4 subtaxa 100 images 3 ident. refs
Family 2 subtaxa 109 images 1 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Genus 2 subtaxa 109 images 1 ident. refs
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Family 8 subtaxa 289 images 1 ident. refs
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Family 12 subtaxa 356 images 2 ident. refs
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Family 112 subtaxa 2,459 images 73 ident. refs
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Family 11 subtaxa 209 images 7 ident. refs
Family 2 subtaxa 38 images
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Genus 2 subtaxa 38 images
 (Click to open)
Family 4 subtaxa 104 images 1 ident. refs
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Unidentified 5 images
Taxonomic hierarchy:
OrderPUCCINIALES (rust fungi)
ClassPUCCINIOMYCETES (rust fungi etc)
SubphylumPUCCINIOMYCOTINA (rust fungi etc)
PhylumBASIDIOMYCOTA (spore droppers, basidiomycetes)
KingdomFUNGI (true fungi)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)

Identification Works

Cooke, M.C. 1872 *** Rust, Smut, Mildew and Mould: an introduction to the study of microscopic fungi ***(Superseded) 3rd edition, 244pp, Wyman and sons
Cummins G.B. 1959 Illustrated Genera of Rust Fungi 131pp, Burgess Publishing Company, Minn., USA
Grove, W.B. 1913 *** The British Rust Fungi (Uredinales) ***(Superseded) 412pp, Cambridge University Press
Henderson, D.M. & Bennell, A.P. 1980 Supplemement to British Rust Fungi: Additions and Corrections Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol 38, No 1: 184.
Henderson, D.M. & Bennell, A.P. 1979 British Rust Fungi: Additions and Corrections Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol 37, No 3: 475-501.
Henderson, D.M. 2004 The Rust Fungi of the British Isles: A Guide to Identification by their Host Plants 35pp, British Mycological Society
Henderson, D.M. 2000 A Checklist of the Rust Fungi of the British Isles 36pp, British Mycological Society
() Termorshuizen, A.J. & Swertz, C.A. 2011 Roesten van Nederland (Dutch Rust Fungi) 423pp, Gustav Fischer Verlag
() Wilson, M., & Henderson, D. 1966 British Rust Fungi 384pp, Cambridge University Press

Plant Pathology

() Ellis, M.B. & J.P. 1997 Microfungi on Land Plants: An Identification Handbook 2nd (New Enlarged) edition, 868pp, The Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd
Moore, W.C. 1959 British Parasitic Fungi 430pp, Cambridge University Press

Regional Studies

Yeates, C. 2007 Yorkshire Rust Review

PUCCINIALES (rust fungi) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN (data.nbn.org.uk) has a distribution map for PUCCINIALES (rust fungi)
BioInfoBioInfo (www.bioinfo.org.uk) has 3,349 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for PUCCINIALES (rust fungi)

Rust spores can be examined in water or Lactophenol. The latter is better to see the pores in uredospores etc, but water is better for surface ornamentation. Be sure to allow sufficient time for the spores (esp. teliospores) to inflate. It’s best to gently warm the slide to accomplish this.

When counting pores, look for breaks in the spore wall (on the profile) as well as the front and back face of the spore - beware of counting the vacuole/nucleus.

There is a general tendency for the haploid stages (pycnia and aecia) to be found in the Spring and early Summer, whle uredia and telia are mainly found in late Summer, but this is by no means the rule.

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