Author | Murphy, R.J. |
Year | 2016 |
Title | Evening-primroses (Oenothera) of Britain and Ireland |
ISBN | 978-0-90-115849-9 |
Series | B.S.B.I. Handbook |
Type | Book/Report |
How Complete | All the British species and hybrids known at the time, including very rare casuals. |
Source | B.S.B.I. Handbook, No. 16, 96pp, Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI) |
Illustrations | Colour photographs, line drawings |
Review (by Malcolm Storey) | Evening primroses have unusual genetics with balanced lethal alleles which result in heterzygous populations breeding true and behaving as separate species. There are two competing approaches: the broad or American approach recognises broad species concepts whereas in Europe a narrower concept has gained favour with correspondingly more species. There are three keys: Key A is based on Stace 3 (2010) and uses a "broad" species concept (4 species). Key B follows the "narrow" species concept (18 species and subspecies). Key C covers just the recorded hybrids and their reciprocal crosses (6), although omits the triple hybrid. Use Key A first. If no perfect match if found try Key B. If again there is no match, look for a hybrid in Key C. |
Examine | ![]() ![]() |
Specimen Preparation | Fresh or pressed speciemens with all stages from buds to ripe capsules. |
Notes & Purpose | Status | Taxon | English | Classification |
For identification | Current | Oenothera | evening-primroses | Plantae: Myrtales: Onagraceae |
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