Pseudoips prasinana britannica (Warren, 1913), (green silver-lines)

28 Sep 2005 at OSGR: SU56 in Berks, England

Record SummaryMature larva, beaten from Oak
Found asLarva
Date28 September 2005
Capture methodbeaten
Associated organismQuercus robur
OS grid refOSGR: SU56
Lat/Lon51° 20’ N, 1° 10’ W
Vice CountyBerks, VC no: 22


Rusty-brown silken cocoon spun between two leaves by 3 Oct 2005. Larva not yet pupated as it repaired the "window" left when the top leaf was peeled off.

Pupated by 30 Oct 2005.

Cocoon has a ridge at head end which opens easily.

Male emerged: 21 May 2006

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