AuthorHenrici, A.
TitleNotes and Records (Jan 2015)
SourceField Mycology Vol 16 (1): 33-36.
Review (by Malcolm Storey)

Describes what happens on BMS residential forays.

Reports Entoloma madidum, newly confirmed as British. Now we’re going to have to look much more carefully at so-called Entoloma bloxhamii! There is a spore difference: E. madidum spores are +/- globose and only reach 7µm diam, whereas those of E. bloxhamii are larger, averaging 8.2/8.3µm and can reach 10µm.

Discusses the new placement of Porpoloma species in Pseudotricholoma, following recent DNA work.

Notes & PurposeStatusTaxonEnglishClassification
For identificationCurrentEntoloma madiduma pinkgillFungi: Agaricales: Entolomataceae
For identificationCurrent[Entoloma bloxamii s. lat.]big blue pinkgillsFungi: Agaricales: Entolomataceae
For identificationCurrentPseudotricholoma metapodiumMealy MeadowcapFungi: Agaricales: Tricholomataceae
CurrentPorpoloma elytroidesa meadowcapFungi: Agaricales: Tricholomataceae
CurrentPorpoloma spinulosumAromatic MeadowcapFungi: Agaricales: Tricholomataceae
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