(hydroids, jelly fish, sea anemones, jellyfish)

Subtaxon Example images Rank Featured
No of
No of
ID refs
 (Click to open)
Class 14 subtaxa 212 images 9 ident. refs
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Class 12 subtaxa 96 images 26 ident. refs
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Class 5 subtaxa 35 images 4 ident. refs
Class 1 subtaxa 2 ident. refs
Taxonomic hierarchy:
PhylumCNIDARIA (hydroids, jelly fish, sea anemones, jellyfish)
SubkingdomEUMETAZOA (metazoans)
KingdomANIMALIA (animals)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)

Identification Works

Anon. The Marine Life Information Network for Britain and Ireland (MarLIN)
() Conway, D.V.P. 2012 Marine zooplankton of southern Britain. Part 1: Radiolaria, Heliozoa, Foraminifera, Ciliophora, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, Rotifera and Mollusca Occasional Publications, No. 25, 138pp, Marine Biological Association
() Cornelius, P.F.S. 1995 North-West European Thecate Hydroids and their Medusae Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series), 50, parts 1 & 2, 1 edition, 347+386pp, Field Studies Council
Gosse, P.H. 1860 *** A History of the British Sea-anemones and Corals ***(Superseded) 362pp, Van Voorst
Pennington, A.S. 1885 British Zoophytes: an introduction to the hydroida, actinozoa, and polyzoa found in Great Britain, Irleand, and the Channel Islands 363+24 platespp, L. Reeve & Co. Ltd
Russell, F.S. 1970 The Medusae of the British Isles - Vol.II - Pelagic Scyphozoa, with a supplement to Vol. I. Vol 2, 284pp, Cambridge University Press
Russell, F.S. 1953 The Medusae of the British Isles - Vol. I: Anthomedusae, Leptomedusae, Limnomedusae, Trachymedusae, and Narcomedusae Vol 1, 530+35 platespp, Cambridge University Press


in the field() Gibson, R., Hextall, B. & Rogers, A. 2001 Photographic Guide to the Sea & Shore Life of Britain & North-west Europe Oxford Natural History, 436pp, Oxford University Press
() Hayward, P.J. & Ryland, J.S. (eds) 1996 Handbook of the Marine Fauna of North-West Europe reprint with minor corrections edition, 800pp, Oxford University Press
() Hayward, P.J. & Ryland, J.S. (eds) 1990 The Marine Fauna of the British Isles and north-west Europe 2 volumes, 996pp, Clarendon Press
Picton, B.E. & Morrow, C.C. Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland

CNIDARIA (hydroids, jelly fish, sea anemones, jellyfish) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN ( has a distribution map for CNIDARIA (hydroids, jelly fish, sea anemones, jellyfish)
BioInfoBioInfo ( has 12 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for CNIDARIA (hydroids, jelly fish, sea anemones, jellyfish)
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BioImages - Virtual Field-Guide (UK)