Guiry, M. |
algaebase |
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Kreutz, M. & Foissner, W. |
2006 |
The Sphagnum Ponds of Simmelreid in Germany: a biodiversity hot-spot for microscopic organisms |
Protozoological Monographs Vol 3. |
Nienaber, M.A. & Steinitz-Kannan, M.A |
2018 |
A guide to cyanobacteria: identification and impact |
186pp, University Press of Kentucky |
Freshwater And Terrestrial |
Belcher, H. & Swale, E. |
1976 |
A Beginner’s Guide to Freshwater Algae |
47pp, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office |
Canter-Lund, H. |
Image Archive / The Hilda Canter-Lund Collection |
www.freshwaterlife.org/imagearchive/main.php?g2_itemId=10239 |
Jahn R., Kusber, W.H. (eds) |
AlgaTerra Information System |
www.algaterra.org |
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John, D.M., Whitton, B.A. & Brook, A.J. |
2002 |
The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles |
702pp, Cambridge University Press |
Pentecost, A. |
1984 |
Introduction to Freshwater Algae |
247pp, The Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd |
Freshwater And Terrestrial/Plankton |
Belcher, H. & Swale, E. |
1979 |
An Illustrated Guide to River Phytoplankton |
64pp, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office |
Freshwater And Terrestrial |
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Prescott, G.W. |
1979 |
How To Know the Freshwater Algae |
The Pictured Key Nature Series, Third edition, 293pp, Wm C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa, USA |
West, G.S. & Fritsch, F.E. |
1932 |
A Treatise on the Freshwater Algae |
Revised edition: in the great part rewritten by F.E. Fritsch edition, 534pp, Cambridge University Press |
West, G.S. |
1904 |
*** A Treatise on the British Freshwater Algae ***(Superseded) |
372pp, The Ray Society, London |
York, P.V., & John, D.M. |
2005 |
AlgaeVision: Virtual Collection of UK Freshwater Algae and Habitats |
www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/algaevision |
Freshwater/Genera |
van Vuuren, S.J., Taylor, J., Gerber, A. & van Ginkel, C. |
2006 |
Easy identification of the most common freshwater algae. A guide for the identification of microscopic algae in South African freshwaters. |
200pp, North-West University and Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) |
Marine |
Jones, W.E. |
1962 |
A Key to the genera of British Seaweeds |
Field Studies 1(4): 1-32. |
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Newton, L |
1931 |
A Handbook of the British Seaweeds |
478pp, British Museum (Natural History) |