(protists, single-celled organisms)

Subtaxon Example images Rank Featured
No of
No of
ID refs
 (Click to open)
Subkingdom 7 subtaxa 56 images 2 ident. refs
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Phylum 6 subtaxa 25 images 3 ident. refs
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Genus 1 subtaxa 1 images
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Genus 1 subtaxa 2 images
Phylum 2 ident. refs
Class 1 subtaxa 9 images
Order 1 subtaxa 9 images
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Family 1 subtaxa 9 images
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Genus 1 subtaxa 2 images
 (Click to open)
Genus 1 subtaxa 1 images
 (Click to open)
Genus 1 subtaxa 1 images
 (Click to open)
Genus 1 subtaxa 7 images
 (Click to open)
Subkingdom 11 subtaxa 74 images 13 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Subkingdom 79 subtaxa 1,023 images 54 ident. refs
Family 1 subtaxa 2 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Genus 1 subtaxa 4 images
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Genus 1 subtaxa 1 images
 (Click to open)
Unidentified 8 images
Taxonomic hierarchy:
KingdomPROTOZOA (protists, single-celled organisms)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)

Identification Works

Kent, S.,W. 1880 Manual of the Infusoria 913+51 platespp, David Bogue
Kreutz, M. & Foissner, W. 2006 The Sphagnum Ponds of Simmelreid in Germany: a biodiversity hot-spot for microscopic organisms Protozoological Monographs Vol 3.


Curds, C.R., Gates, M.A. & McRoberts, D. 1982 British and Other Freshwater Ciliated Protozoans (Part 2) Ciliophora: Oligohymenophora & Polyhymenophora Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series), 23, The Linnean Society of London
Curds, C.R. 1982 British and Other Freshwater Ciliated Protozoans (Part 1) Ciliophora: Kinetophragminophora Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series), 22, The Linnean Society of London
Finlay, B.J., Rogerson, A., & Cowling, A.J. 1988 A Beginner’s Guide to the Collection, Isolation, Cultivation and Identification of Freshwater Protozoa 78pp, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
() Guthrie, M. 1989 Animals of the Surface Film Naturalists’ Handbooks, No 12, 85pp, The Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd
() Hingley, M. 1993 Microscopic Life in Sphagnum Naturalists’ Handbooks, No 20, 64pp, The Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd
() Macan, T.T. 1959 A Guide to Freshwater Invertebrates 118pp, Longman
Patterson, DJ. 1996 Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa - a colour guide 223pp, Manson Publishing Ltd


() Hayward, P.J. & Ryland, J.S. (eds) 1990 The Marine Fauna of the British Isles and north-west Europe 2 volumes, 996pp, Clarendon Press


() Larink, O. & Westheide, W. 2011 Coastal Plankton - photo guide for European Seas (2nd ed) 2nd edition, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil
() Larink, O. & Westheide, W. 2006 Coastal Plankton - photo guide for European Seas 143pp, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil

Parasitic Species

() Avery, R.A. 1974 Identification of Animal Parasites Hulton Group Keys, 182pp, Hulton Educational Publications Ltd.
Canning, E.U., Cox, F.E.G., Croll, N.A. & Lyons, K.M. 1973 The Natural History of Slapton Ley Nature Reserve: VI Studies on Parasites Field Studies 3: 681-718.

PROTOZOA (protists, single-celled organisms) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN ( has a distribution map for PROTOZOA (protists, single-celled organisms)
BioInfoBioInfo ( has 385 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for PROTOZOA (protists, single-celled organisms)
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This website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.

Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on the BioImages website by Malcolm Storey is licensed under the above Creative Commons Licence.

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BioImages - Virtual Field-Guide (UK)