Glomerella cingulata (Stoneman) Spauld. & H. Schrenk, (willow black canker (causative organism))

11 Jun 2009 at OSGR: SX85 in South Devon, England

Record Summaryleaf-spots on leaves of New Zealand Flax cultivar
Found asInfection
Date11 June 2009
Associated organismPhormium cv
OS grid refOSGR: SX85
Lat/Lon50° 20’ N, 3° 40’ W
Vice CountySouth Devon, VC no: 3
Voucher11 Jun 2009[D]
(Please quote this in any queries about this record)


Forms elongate diamond-shaped leaf-spots on fading leaves; upper surface: pale brown with dark brown margin; lower surface: whitish with abundant perithecia and blackish-brown margin.

Perithecia: black, hypophyllous, densely scattered on pale central area, immersed, exposed through small slits or following loss of cuticle.

Asci 8-spored, apex not blued in iodine.

Ascospores: multi-seriate, very pale grey, narrowly ellipsoid to slightly waisted, 17-23/5-7µm.

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