(spore droppers, basidiomycetes)

Subtaxon Example images Rank Featured
No of
No of
ID refs
Cap (Click to open)
Subphylum 1,986 subtaxa 22,237 images 2,731 ident. refs
Class 2 subtaxa 35 ident. refs
Class 1 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Subphylum 192 subtaxa 3,903 images 142 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Subphylum 72 subtaxa 424 images 81 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Unidentified 26 images
Taxonomic hierarchy:
PhylumBASIDIOMYCOTA (spore droppers, basidiomycetes)
KingdomFUNGI (true fungi)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)

Identification Works

Ainsworth, G.C., Sparrow, F.K. & Sussman, A.S. (eds) 1973 *** The Fungi, An Advanced Treatise: Volume IVB, a taxonomic review with keys: myxomycetes, phycomycetes, basidiomycetes and lower fungi ***(Superseded) xxii+504pp, Academic Press
Breitenbach J., & Kränzlin F. 1986 Non-gilled Fungi Fungi of Switzerland, Vol 2, 412pp, Mykologia, Lucerne
Buczacki, S. 1989 Fungi of Britain and Europe Collins New Generation Guides, 320pp, Collins
Hansen, L & Knudsen, H (Eds) 1992 Nordic Macromycetes, Vol 2 (Polyp., Bolet., Agaric., Russ.) Nordic Macromycetes, 2, 474pp, Nordsvamp, Copenhagen
Hansen, L & Knudsen, H 1997 Nordic Macromycetes, Vol 3. (Hetero., Aphylloph., Gastero.) Nordic Macromycetes, 3, 444pp, Nordsvamp, Copenhagen
Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. (Web) Checklist of the British & Irish Basidiomycotina
() Marchand, A. 1971 Champignons du Nord et du Midi (9 volumes) over 2,000 in totalpp, Société Mycologique des Pyrénées Méditerranéenes
Moser, M. & Jülich, W. 1991 Colour Atlas of Basidiomycetes
() Smith, W.G. 1908 *** Synopsis of British Basidiomycetes ***(Superseded) 531pp, British Museum (Natural History)

Dung Fungi

() Doveri, F. 2007 Fungi Fimicoli Italici: a guide to the recognition of basidiomycetes and ascomycetes living on faecal material corrected reprint edition, 1104pp, A.M.B. Fondazione Centro Studi Micologici
() Richardson, M.J. & Watling, R. 1997 Keys to Fungi on Dung 2 edition, 68pp, British Mycological Society

Lichenicolous Fungi

Hawksworth, D.L., Atienza, V. & Coppins, B.J. 2010 Artifical Keys to the Lichenicolous Fungi of Great Britain, Ireland, the Channel Islands, Iberian Peninsula, and Canary Islands

Plant Pathology

Moore, W.C. 1959 British Parasitic Fungi 430pp, Cambridge University Press


Hugill, P. & Lucas, A. 2015 A field guide to the Resupinates of Hampshire
Hugill, P. & Lucas, A. 2015 The microscopy companion to the Resupinates of Hampshire


Laessøe, T. & Peteren, J.H. 2008 Mycokey v3.1
Laessøe, T. & Peteren, J.H. 2007 *** Mycokey v2.1 ***(Superseded)

BASIDIOMYCOTA (spore droppers, basidiomycetes) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN ( has a distribution map for BASIDIOMYCOTA (spore droppers, basidiomycetes)
BioInfoBioInfo ( has 16,125 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for BASIDIOMYCOTA (spore droppers, basidiomycetes)
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Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on the BioImages website by Malcolm Storey is licensed under the above Creative Commons Licence.

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BioImages - Virtual Field-Guide (UK)