Felis Linnaeus, 1758

Interactions where Felis is the victim or passive partner (and generally loses out from the process)

The following relationships have been collated from the published literature (see 'Interaction References').


Affected Part Summary Taxon Vernacular Classification References Darwin Classification of Active Taxon Active Taxon Active Vernacular Active Taxon Uncertain Active State Active Part Active Stage Relationship Relationship Uncertain Relationship Geography Darwin Classification of Passive Taxon Passive Taxon Passive Vernacular Passive Taxon Uncertain Passive State Passive Part Passive Stage Passive Taxon's significance to Active Taxon Indoors etc Season Summary
has blood sucked by Dermacentor reticulatus Marsh Tick, Ornate Cow Tick Ixodida: Amblyommidae Ticks of North-West Europe, Hillyard, P.D., 1996
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Arachnida/Ixodida/Amblyommidae/Dermacentor reticulatus/Dermacentor reticulatusmarsh tick, ornate cow tick Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker /Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Carnivora/Felidae/Felis/Feliscats sucks the blood of
has blood sucked by Rhipicephalus sanguineus Kennel Tick, Brown Dog Tick Ixodida: Amblyommidae Ticks of North-West Europe, Hillyard, P.D., 1996
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Arachnida/Ixodida/Amblyommidae/Rhipicephalus sanguineus/Rhipicephalus sanguineuskennel tick, brown dog tick Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker /Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Carnivora/Felidae/Felis/Feliscats sucks the blood of
has blood sucked by Argas reflexus Canterbury Tick, Pigeon Tick Ixodida: Argasidae Ticks of North-West Europe, Hillyard, P.D., 1996
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Arachnida/Ixodida/Argasidae/Argas (Argas) reflexus/Argas (Argas) reflexusCanterbury tick, pigeon tick Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker /Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Carnivora/Felidae/Felis/Feliscats sucks the blood of
has blood sucked by Ixodes canisuga Fox Tick, Dog Tick Ixodida: Ixodidae Ticks of North-West Europe, Hillyard, P.D., 1996
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Arachnida/Ixodida/Ixodidae/Ixodes (Ixodes) canisuga/Ixodes (Ixodes) canisugafox tick, dog tick Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker /Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Carnivora/Felidae/Felis/Feliscats sucks the blood of
has blood sucked by Ixodes hexagonus Hedgehog Tick Ixodida: Ixodidae Ticks of North-West Europe, Hillyard, P.D., 1996
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Arachnida/Ixodida/Ixodidae/Ixodes (Ixodes) hexagonus/Ixodes (Ixodes) hexagonushedgehog tick Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker /Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Carnivora/Felidae/Felis/Feliscats sucks the blood of
has blood sucked by Ixodes ricinus Sheep Tick, Pasture Tick, Castor Bean Tick, Deer Tick Ixodida: Ixodidae Ticks of North-West Europe, Hillyard, P.D., 1996
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Arachnida/Ixodida/Ixodidae/Ixodes (Ixodes) ricinus/Ixodes (Ixodes) ricinussheep tick, pasture tick, castor bean tick, deer tick Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker /Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Carnivora/Felidae/Felis/Feliscats sucks the blood of
has blood sucked by Minor Ixodes ventalloi Rabbit Tick Ixodida: Ixodidae Ticks of North-West Europe, Hillyard, P.D., 1996
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Arachnida/Ixodida/Ixodidae/Ixodes (Ixodes) ventalloi/Ixodes (Ixodes) ventalloirabbit tick Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker /Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Carnivora/Felidae/Felis/FeliscatsMinor sucks the blood of

Author & YearTitleSource
Hillyard, P.D., 1996Ticks of North-West EuropeSynopses of the British Fauna (New Series), 52, 178pp, Field Studies Council

Felis (cats) may also be included in 'fed on by' relations listed under the following higher taxa:

Subtaxon Rank Featured
No of
No of
Species 27 trophisms 2 references
Taxonomic hierarchy:
GenusFelis (cats)
FamilyFELIDAE (cats)
OrderCARNIVORA (carnivores)
ClassMAMMALIA (mammals)
SuperclassTETRAPODA (a superclass of unassigneds)
PhylumCHORDATA (vertebrates)
SuperphylumDEUTEROSTOMIA (deuterostomes)
CladeBilateria (bilaterally symmetrical animals)
SubkingdomEUMETAZOA (metazoans)
KingdomANIMALIA (animals)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)
NBNNBN (data.nbn.org.uk) has a distribution map for Felis (cats)

Felis (cats) may be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

General Works



Avery, R.A. 1974 Identification of Animal Parasites Hulton Group Keys, 182pp, Hulton Educational Publications Ltd.

Literature listed under the following higher taxa may also be relevant to Felis (cats):

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