
HYDRACHNIDIA (water-mites) may be included in 'fed on by' relations listed under the following higher taxa:

Subtaxon Rank Featured
No of
No of
Infraorder 2 references
Taxonomic hierarchy:
SuborderHYDRACHNIDIA (water-mites)
OrderTROMBIDOIDEA (an order of Prostigmatid mites)
SuborderPROSTIGMATA (sucking mites)
OrderTROMBIDIFORMES (trombidiform mites)
SuperorderACARIFORMES (acariform mites)
SubclassACARI (mites)
ClassARACHNIDA (mites, spiders, false scorpions, harvestmen etc.)
SubphylumCHELICERATA (a subphylum of arthropods)
PhylumARTHROPODA (arthropods)
SuperphylumECDYSOZOA (skin shedders)
CladeBilateria (bilaterally symmetrical animals)
SubkingdomEUMETAZOA (metazoans)
KingdomANIMALIA (animals)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)

Identification Works

Handling & MagnificationAuthorYearTitleSource
Brauer, A. 1909 Araneae, Acarina und Tardigrada Die SĂĽsswasserfauna Deutschlands, Heft 12, 191pp, Gustav Fischer Verlag
Davis, C., Di Sabatino, A., Gerecke, R., Gledhill, T., Smith, H. & van der Hammen, H. Acari: Hydrachnidia Davis, C., Di Sabatino, A., Gerecke, R., Gledhill, T., Smith, H. & van der Hammen, H. Acari: Hydrachnidia, Chelicerata: Araneae, Acari 1.
Hopkins, C.L. 1961 A Key to the Water Mites (Hydracarina) of the Flatford Area Field Studies, Vol 1, No 3, 20pp, Field Studies Council
L’Hostis, Y. hydracarina.org - treasure hunt in the world of water mites hydracarina.org/
Soar, C.D. & Williamson, W. 1929 The British Hydracarina Vols 110, 112 & 115, The Ray Society, London

HYDRACHNIDIA (water-mites) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

General Works

Smit, H. & Gerecke, R. 2010 A checklist of the water mites of France (Acari: Hydrachnidia) Acarologia Vol 50 (1): 21-91.

Literature listed under the following higher taxa may also be relevant to HYDRACHNIDIA (water-mites):

BioImagesBioImages (www.bioimages.org.uk) has 12 images of HYDRACHNIDIA (water-mites)
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