(pleurocarpous mosses)

HYPNALES (pleurocarpous mosses) may be included in 'fed on by' relations listed under the following higher taxa:

Subtaxon Rank Featured
No of
No of
Family 3 subtaxa 4 trophisms 1 references
Family 4 subtaxa 7 trophisms
Family 1 subtaxa 1 references
Family 6 subtaxa 9 trophisms 1 references
Family 3 subtaxa 5 trophisms
Family 2 subtaxa 2 trophisms
Genus 2 subtaxa 2 trophisms
Family 1 subtaxa 1 trophisms
Family 1 subtaxa 1 trophisms
Family 2 subtaxa 2 trophisms
Family 1 subtaxa 2 trophisms
Family 1 subtaxa 1 trophisms
Taxonomic hierarchy:
OrderHYPNALES (pleurocarpous mosses)
SubclassEUBRYIDEAE (acrocarpus and pleurocarpous mosses)
ClassBRYOPSIDA (mosses)
PhylumBRYOPHYTA (mosses)
SubkingdomVIRIDIPLANTAE (lower green plants)
KingdomPLANTAE (plants)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)
NBNNBN (data.nbn.org.uk) has a distribution map for HYPNALES (pleurocarpous mosses)

HYPNALES (pleurocarpous mosses) may be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

Literature listed under the following higher taxa may be relevant to HYPNALES (pleurocarpous mosses):

BioImagesBioImages (www.bioimages.org.uk) has 528 images of HYPNALES (pleurocarpous mosses)
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Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on the BioInfo website by Malcolm Storey is licensed under the above Creative Commons Licence.

BioInfo - Wildlife Information (UK)