PROSOBRANCHIA Milne-Edwards, 1848
(operculate molluscs)

Taxonomic hierarchy:
SubclassPROSOBRANCHIA (operculate molluscs)
ClassGASTROPODA (slugs and snails)
PhylumMOLLUSCA (slugs, snails, bivalves, octopus, sea slugs)
SuperphylumLOPHOTROCHOZOA (molluscs and relatives)
CladeBilateria (bilaterally symmetrical animals)
SubkingdomEUMETAZOA (metazoans)
KingdomANIMALIA (animals)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)

Identification Works

() Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland Marine Snails
() Crothers, J.H. 2003 Rocky Shore Snails as Material for Projects (with a Key for their Identification) Field Studies 10: 601-634.
Fretter, V. & Graham, A. 1978 The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark: Part 4 - Marine Rissoacea J. Mollus. Stud. Supplement 6.
Fretter, V. & Graham, A. The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark: Part 1 — Pleurotomariacea, Fissurellacea and Patellacea J. Mollus. Stud. Supplement 1.
Fretter, V. & Graham, A. The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark: Part 2 — Trochacea J. Mollus. Stud. Supplement 3.
Fretter, V. & Graham, A. The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark: Part 3 — Neritacea, Viviparacea, Valvatacea, Terrestrial and Freshwater Littorinacea and Rissoacea J. Mollus. Stud. Supplement 5.
Fretter, V. & Graham, A. The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark: Part 5 — Marine Littorinacea J. Mollus. Stud. Supplement 7.
Fretter, V. & Graham, A. The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark: Part 6 — Cerithiacea, Strombacea, Hipponicacea, Calyptraeacea, Lamellariacea, Cypraeacea, Naticacea, Tonnacea, Heteropoda J. Mollus. Stud. Supplement 9.
Fretter, V. & Graham, A. The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark: Part 7 — Heterogastropoda (Cerithiopsacea, Triforacea, Epitoniacea, Eulimacea J. Mollus. Stud. Supplement 11.
() Graham, A. 1988 Prosobranch and Pyramidellid Gastropods: Keys and notes for the identification of the species Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series), 2, ed 2 edition, 662pp, The Linnean Society of London
() Graham, A. 1971 *** British Prosobranch and other operculate gastropod molluscs ***(Superseded) Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series), 2, ed 1 edition, 112pp, The Linnean Society of London
() Pfleger, V. 1998 A Field Guide in Colour to Molluscs English edition edition, 216pp, Blitz

Terrestrial And Freshwater

() Pfegler, V. & Chatfield, J. 1988 A Guide to Snails of Britain and Europe 216pp, Hamlyn

PROSOBRANCHIA (operculate molluscs) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN ( has a distribution map for PROSOBRANCHIA (operculate molluscs)
BioInfoBioInfo ( has 1 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for PROSOBRANCHIA (operculate molluscs)
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