Stage |
Summary |
Taxon |
Vernacular |
Classification |
References |
Darwin Classification of Active Taxon |
Active Taxon |
Active Vernacular |
Active Taxon Uncertain |
Active State |
Active Part |
Active Stage |
Relationship |
Relationship Uncertain |
Relationship Geography |
Darwin Classification of Passive Taxon |
Passive Taxon |
Passive Vernacular |
Passive Taxon Uncertain |
Passive State |
Passive Part |
Passive Stage |
Passive Taxon's significance to Active Taxon |
Indoors etc |
Season |
adult |
adult sucks the blood of |
Eptesicus serotinus |
Serotine |
Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae |
Land and Water Bugs of the British Isles, Southwood, T.R.E. & Leston, D., 1959
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Hemiptera/Cimicidae/Cimex pipistrelli/ | Cimex pipistrelli | batbug | | | | adult |
Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker | | UK and/or Eire |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Chiroptera/Vespertilionidae/Eptesicus serotinus/ | Eptesicus serotinus | serotine | | | | | |
| |
nymph |
nymph sucks the blood of |
Eptesicus serotinus |
Serotine |
Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae |
Land and Water Bugs of the British Isles, Southwood, T.R.E. & Leston, D., 1959
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Hemiptera/Cimicidae/Cimex pipistrelli/ | Cimex pipistrelli | batbug | | | | nymph |
Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker | | UK and/or Eire |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Chiroptera/Vespertilionidae/Eptesicus serotinus/ | Eptesicus serotinus | serotine | | | | | |
| |
adult |
adult sucks the blood of |
Nyctalus noctula |
Noctule, Noctule Bat |
Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae |
Land and Water Bugs of the British Isles, Southwood, T.R.E. & Leston, D., 1959
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Hemiptera/Cimicidae/Cimex pipistrelli/ | Cimex pipistrelli | batbug | | | | adult |
Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker | | UK and/or Eire |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Chiroptera/Vespertilionidae/Nyctalus noctula/ | Nyctalus noctula | noctule, noctule bat | | | | | |
| |
nymph |
nymph sucks the blood of |
Nyctalus noctula |
Noctule, Noctule Bat |
Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae |
Land and Water Bugs of the British Isles, Southwood, T.R.E. & Leston, D., 1959
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Hemiptera/Cimicidae/Cimex pipistrelli/ | Cimex pipistrelli | batbug | | | | nymph |
Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker | | UK and/or Eire |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Chiroptera/Vespertilionidae/Nyctalus noctula/ | Nyctalus noctula | noctule, noctule bat | | | | | |
| |
adult |
adult sucks the blood of |
[Pipistrellus pipistrellus s.l.] |
pipistrelles |
Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae |
Land and Water Bugs of the British Isles, Southwood, T.R.E. & Leston, D., 1959
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Hemiptera/Cimicidae/Cimex pipistrelli/ | Cimex pipistrelli | batbug | | | | adult |
Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker | | UK and/or Eire |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Chiroptera/Vespertilionidae/Pipistrellus pipistrellus s.l./ | Pipistrellus pipistrellus s.l. | pipistrelles | | | | | |
| |
nymph |
nymph sucks the blood of |
[Pipistrellus pipistrellus s.l.] |
pipistrelles |
Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae |
Land and Water Bugs of the British Isles, Southwood, T.R.E. & Leston, D., 1959
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Hemiptera/Cimicidae/Cimex pipistrelli/ | Cimex pipistrelli | batbug | | | | nymph |
Animal / parasite / ectoparasite / blood sucker | | UK and/or Eire |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Chiroptera/Vespertilionidae/Pipistrellus pipistrellus s.l./ | Pipistrellus pipistrellus s.l. | pipistrelles | | | | | |
| |