Colletes hederae Schmidt & Westrich, 1993
(Ivy Bee)

Taxonomic hierarchy:
SpeciesColletes hederae (Ivy Bee)
GenusColletes (plasterer bees)
SubfamilyCOLLETINAE (a subfamily of hymenopterans)
FamilyCOLLETIDAE (plasterer and yellow-faced bees)
SuperfamilyAPOIDEA (solitary and hive bees)
InfraorderAculeata (aculeates: bees, wasps and ants)
SuborderAPOCRITA (bees, wasps, ants and parasitoids)
OrderHYMENOPTERA (ants, bees and wasps, sawflies and parasitoid wasps)
Division Endopterygota (bees, beetles, flies, moths and other insects with wings developing internally)
InfraclassNeoptera (bees, beetles, flies, grasshoppers, moths and other advanced insects)
SubclassPTERYGOTA (bees, beetles, dragonflies, flies, grasshoppers, moths and other winged insects)
ClassINSECTA (true insects)
SubphylumHEXAPODA (insects and other 6-legged organisms)
PhylumARTHROPODA (arthropods)
SuperphylumECDYSOZOA (skin shedders)
CladeBilateria (bilaterally symmetrical animals)
SubkingdomEUMETAZOA (metazoans)
KingdomANIMALIA (animals)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)
Records of Colletes hederae (Ivy Bee) :
1: Colletes hederae (Ivy Bee)
23 Oct 2008 OSGR: ST36 51° 20’ N, 2° 60’ W Vice County: North Somerset (VC 6) England
nesting on south-facing bank of path across sand dunes . Photos: around nests in sand dunes
Image 1: Dorsal view - close-upImage 2: Dorso-lateral view - close-upImage 3: Entering burrow - close-upImage 4: Latero-dorsal view - close-upImage 5: Latero-dorsal view - close-up (2)Image 6: Latero-dorsal view - close-up (3)Image 7: On sand near nest entrance - dorsal viewImage 8: Antero-dorsal view - close-up - enlargedImage 9: Dorsal view - close-up - enlargedImage 10: Dorso-lateral view - close-up - enlargedImage 11: Dorso-lateral view - close-up - enlarged (2)Image 12: Dorso-lateral view - close-up - enlarged (3)Image 13: Latero-dorsal view - close-up - enlargedImage 14: Latero-dorsal view - close-up - enlarged (2)Image 15: Peering out of nest burrow in sand - close-up - enlargedImage 16: Postero-dorsal view - close-up - enlarged
2: Colletes hederae (Ivy Bee)
23 Oct 2008 OSGR: ST36 51° 20’ N, 2° 60’ W Vice County: North Somerset (VC 6) England
visiting Ivy flowers . Photos: visiting ivy
Image 1: Visiting Ivy - anterior view - close-upImage 2: Visiting Ivy - dorsal view - close-upImage 3: Visiting Ivy - dorsal view - close-up (2)Image 4: Visiting Ivy - dorsal view - close-up (3)Image 5: Visiting Ivy - dorso-lateral view - close-upImage 6: Visiting Ivy - front three-quarter view - close-upImage 7: Visiting Ivy - lateral view - close-upImage 8: Visiting Ivy - lateral view - close-up (2)Image 9: Visiting Ivy - lateral view - close-up (3)Image 10: Visiting Ivy - lateral view - close-up (4)Image 11: Visiting Ivy - latero-dorsal viewImage 12: Visiting Ivy - latero-dorsal view - close-upImage 13: Visiting Ivy - posterior view - close-upImage 14: Visiting Ivy - postero-dorsal view - close-upImage 15: Visiting Ivy - lower front three-quarter view - close-up - enlarged
3: Colletes hederae (Ivy Bee)
16 Oct 2004 OSGR: SZ07 50° 40’ N, 1° 60’ W Vice County: Dorset (VC 9) England
Image 1: Lateral view - enlargedImage 2: Anterior view - close-up - magnifiedImage 3: Antero-dorsal view - close-up - magnifiedImage 4: Dorsal view - close-up - magnifiedImage 5: Face - magnifiedImage 6: Head - dorsal - magnified
4: Colletes hederae (Ivy Bee)
16 Oct 2004 OSGR: SZ07 50° 40’ N, 1° 60’ W Vice County: Dorset (VC 9) England
Image 1: VentralImage 2: Wing - magnifiedImage 3: Wing - magnified (2)Image 4: Wing - magnified (3)

Identification Works

Edwards, M. 2006 Female Colletes hederae at Ivy Vol 27, No 3 Page: 207
Mahe, G. 2008 Observations en Loire Atlantique (France) de Stenoria analis (Schaum) (Coleoptera, Meloidae), cleptoparasite de Colletes hederae Schmidt & Westrich (Hymenoptera, Colletidae) Osmia: Revue d’Hyménoptérologie (Journal of Hymenopterology) No 2: 12-15.
Roberts, S. & Vereecken, N. 2010 Information Sheet 1: Ivy Bee (Colletes hederae)

Colletes hederae (Ivy Bee) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN ( has a distribution map for Colletes hederae (Ivy Bee)
BioInfoBioInfo ( has 3 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for Colletes hederae (Ivy Bee)
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