Tromatobia variabilis (Holmgren, 1856)
(a pimpline ichneumon wasp)

Taxonomic hierarchy:
SpeciesTromatobia variabilis (a pimpline ichneumon wasp)
GenusTromatobia (a genus of pimpline ichneumon wasps)
TribeEphialtini (ephialtine pimpline ichneumon wasps)
SubfamilyPIMPLINAE (pimpline ichneumon wasps)
FamilyICHNEUMONIDAE (ichneumon wasps)
SuperfamilyICHNEUMONOIDEA (braconid and ichneumon parasitic wasps)
SuborderAPOCRITA (bees, wasps, ants and parasitoids)
OrderHYMENOPTERA (ants, bees and wasps, sawflies and parasitoid wasps)
Division Endopterygota (bees, beetles, flies, moths and other insects with wings developing internally)
InfraclassNeoptera (bees, beetles, flies, grasshoppers, moths and other advanced insects)
SubclassPTERYGOTA (bees, beetles, dragonflies, flies, grasshoppers, moths and other winged insects)
ClassINSECTA (true insects)
SubphylumHEXAPODA (insects and other 6-legged organisms)
PhylumARTHROPODA (arthropods)
SuperphylumECDYSOZOA (skin shedders)
CladeBilateria (bilaterally symmetrical animals)
SubkingdomEUMETAZOA (metazoans)
KingdomANIMALIA (animals)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)
Records of Tromatobia variabilis (a pimpline ichneumon wasp) :
1: Tromatobia variabilis (a pimpline ichneumon wasp)
4 Aug 2023 OSGR: SZ19 50° 40’ N, 1° 40’ W Vice County: South Hants (VC 11) England
Female, swept off sparse Common Reed
Image 1: Female - head and antennal bases - anterior view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 2: Female - head - anterior view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 3: Female - ovipositor - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 4: Female - petiole and T2 - antero-dorsal view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 5: Female - petiole and T2 - lateral view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 6: Female - propodeum - lateral view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 7: Female - propodeum, petiole and T2 - lateral view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 8: Female - scutellum and propodeum - dorsal view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 9: Female - T2-T4 - dorsal view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 10: Female - antennae - dorsal view - enlarged - silver backgroundImage 11: Female - dorsal view - close-up - enlarged - silver backgroundImage 12: Female - dorsal view - enlarged - silver backgroundImage 13: Female - head and antennal bases - dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 14: Female - head and antennal bases - lateral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 15: Female - head and antennal bases - postero-dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 16: Female - head and mesosoma - lateral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 17: Female - head and mesosoma - postero-dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 18: Female - head and mouthparts - ventral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 19: Female - head and thorax - ventral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 20: Female - head, mesosoma and petiole - antero-dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 21: Female - lateral view - close-up - enlarged - silver backgroundImage 22: Female - lateral view - enlarged - silver backgroundImage 23: Female - mesosoma and petiole - dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 24: Female - mesosoma - lateral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 25: Female - mesosternum and mid coxae - ventral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 26: Female - metasoma and hind legs - dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 27: Female - metasoma - dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 28: Female - posterior coxae - ventral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 29: Female - propodeum, petiole and base of T2 - lateral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 30: Female - scutellum and propodeum - dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 31: Female - ventral view - close-up - highly enlarged - silver background
2: Tromatobia variabilis (a pimpline ichneumon wasp)
20 Aug 2022 OSGR: SY67 50° 30’ N, 2° 30’ W Vice County: Dorset (VC 9) England
Male, swept from small patch of Common Reed
Image 1: Male - dorsal view - close-up - enlarged - silver backgroundImage 2: Male - dorsal view - enlarged - silver backgroundImage 3: Male - head and antennal bases - lateral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 4: Male - head and antennal bases - postero-dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 5: Male - head and antennal bases - ventral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 6: Male - head and mesosoma - antero-dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 7: Male - head and mesosoma - lateral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 8: Male - head and mesosoma - postero-dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 9: Male - head - dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 10: Male - lateral view - highly enlarged - silver backgroundImage 11: Male - mesosoma - dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 12: Male - mesosoma - lateral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 13: Male - mesosternum and mid coxae - ventral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 14: Male - metasoma - dorsal view - highly enlarged - silver backgroundImage 15: Male - petiole - dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 16: Male - propodeum and petiole - lateral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 17: Male - propodeum and thorax - ventral view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 18: Male - propodeum, metasoma and posterior legs - dorsal view - highly enlarged - silver backgroundImage 19: Male - scutellum and propodeum - dorsal view - magnified - silver backgroundImage 20: Male - ventral view - highly enlarged - silver backgroundImage 21: Male - head and antennal bases - anterior view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 22: Male - head - anterior view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 23: Male - petiole and T2 - dorsal view - microscope low magnification - silver backgroundImage 24: Male - scutellum and petiole - dorsal view - microscope low magnification - silver background

Identification Works

Korenko, S. & di Giovanni, F. 2019 Spider Parasitoids of the Tribe Ephialtini (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) in Italy and their Host Association Acta zool. bulg. Vol 71 (4): 473-486.

Tromatobia variabilis (a pimpline ichneumon wasp) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN ( has a distribution map for Tromatobia variabilis (a pimpline ichneumon wasp)
BioInfoBioInfo ( has 0 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for Tromatobia variabilis (a pimpline ichneumon wasp)
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Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on the BioImages website by Malcolm Storey is licensed under the above Creative Commons Licence.

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BioImages - Virtual Field-Guide (UK)