Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal, 1775)
(Desert Locust)

Interactions where Schistocerca gregaria is the victim or passive partner (and generally loses out from the process)

The following relationships have been collated from the published literature (see 'Interaction References').


Affected Part Summary Taxon Vernacular Classification References Darwin Classification of Active Taxon Active Taxon Active Vernacular Active Taxon Uncertain Active State Active Part Active Stage Relationship Relationship Uncertain Relationship Geography Darwin Classification of Passive Taxon Passive Taxon Passive Vernacular Passive Taxon Uncertain Passive State Passive Part Passive Stage Passive Taxon's significance to Active Taxon Indoors etc Season Summary
body cavity body cavity is endoparasitised by larva Mermis nigrescens Rainworm, Grasshopper Nematode Identification of Animal Parasites, Avery, R.A., 1974
/Animalia/Nematoda/Adenophorea/Mermis nigrescens/Mermis nigrescensrainworm, grasshopper nematodelarva Animal / parasite / endoparasite /Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Orthoptera/Acrididae/Schistocerca gregaria/Schistocerca gregariadesert locustbody cavity larva endoparasitises body cavity
gut epithelium cell gut epithelium cell is endoparasitised by embedded cephalont Gregarina garnhami a gregorine protozoan Sporozoa Identification of Animal Parasites, Avery, R.A., 1974
/Protozoa/Sporozoa/Gregarina garnhami/Gregarina garnhamia gregorine protozoanembeddedcephalont Animal / parasite / endoparasite /Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Orthoptera/Acrididae/Schistocerca gregaria/Schistocerca gregariadesert locustgut epithelium cell embedded cephalont endoparasitises gut epithelium cell
gut lumen gut lumen is endoparasitised by sporont Gregarina garnhami a gregorine protozoan Sporozoa Identification of Animal Parasites, Avery, R.A., 1974
/Protozoa/Sporozoa/Gregarina garnhami/Gregarina garnhamia gregorine protozoansporont Animal / parasite / endoparasite /Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Orthoptera/Acrididae/Schistocerca gregaria/Schistocerca gregariadesert locustgut lumen sporont endoparasitises gut lumen
intestine intestine is endoparasitised by Hammerschmidtiella diesingi a nematode Identification of Animal Parasites, Avery, R.A., 1974
/Animalia/Nematoda/Hammerschmidtiella diesingi/Hammerschmidtiella diesingia nematode Animal / parasite / endoparasite /Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Orthoptera/Acrididae/Schistocerca gregaria/Schistocerca gregariadesert locustintestine endoparasitises intestine
intestine intestine is endoparasitised by Leidynema appendiculata a nematode Identification of Animal Parasites, Avery, R.A., 1974
/Animalia/Nematoda/Leidynema appendiculata/Leidynema appendiculataa nematode Animal / parasite / endoparasite /Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Orthoptera/Acrididae/Schistocerca gregaria/Schistocerca gregariadesert locustintestine endoparasitises intestine
intestine intestine is endoparasitised by trophozoite Gregarina blattarum a gregarine protozoan Sporozoa Identification of Animal Parasites, Avery, R.A., 1974
/Protozoa/Sporozoa/Gregarina blattarum/Gregarina blattaruma gregarine protozoantrophozoite Animal / parasite / endoparasite /Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Orthoptera/Acrididae/Schistocerca gregaria/Schistocerca gregariadesert locustintestine trophozoite endoparasitises intestine
intestine intestine is endoparasitised by cyst Gregarina blattarum a gregarine protozoan Sporozoa Identification of Animal Parasites, Avery, R.A., 1974
/Protozoa/Sporozoa/Gregarina blattarum/Gregarina blattaruma gregarine protozoancyst Animal / parasite / endoparasite /Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Orthoptera/Acrididae/Schistocerca gregaria/Schistocerca gregariadesert locustintestine cyst endoparasitises intestine
malphigian tube (brown or blackened) brown or blackened malphigian tube is endoparasitised by trophozoite Malamoeba locustae a parasitic protozoan Identification of Animal Parasites, Avery, R.A., 1974
/Protozoa/Malamoeba locustae/Malamoeba locustaea parasitic protozoantrophozoite Animal / parasite / endoparasite /Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Orthoptera/Acrididae/Schistocerca gregaria/Schistocerca gregariadesert locustbrown or blackenedmalphigian tube trophozoite endoparasitises brown or blackened malphigian tube
malphigian tube (brown or blackened) brown or blackened malphigian tube is endoparasitised by cyst Malamoeba locustae a parasitic protozoan Identification of Animal Parasites, Avery, R.A., 1974
/Protozoa/Malamoeba locustae/Malamoeba locustaea parasitic protozoancyst Animal / parasite / endoparasite /Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Orthoptera/Acrididae/Schistocerca gregaria/Schistocerca gregariadesert locustbrown or blackenedmalphigian tube cyst endoparasitises brown or blackened malphigian tube
rectum rectum is endoparasitised by cyst Malamoeba locustae a parasitic protozoan Identification of Animal Parasites, Avery, R.A., 1974
/Protozoa/Malamoeba locustae/Malamoeba locustaea parasitic protozoancyst Animal / parasite / endoparasite /Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Orthoptera/Acrididae/Schistocerca gregaria/Schistocerca gregariadesert locustrectum cyst endoparasitises rectum

Author & YearTitleSource
Avery, R.A., 1974Identification of Animal ParasitesHulton Group Keys, 182pp, Hulton Educational Publications Ltd.

Schistocerca gregaria (Desert Locust) may be included in 'feeds on' relations listed under the following higher taxa:

Schistocerca gregaria (Desert Locust) may also be included in 'fed on by' relations listed under the following higher taxa:

Taxonomic hierarchy:
SpeciesSchistocerca gregaria (Desert Locust)
FamilyACRIDIDAE (grasshoppers)
SuperfamilyACRIDOIDEA (a superfamily of orthopterans)
OrderORTHOPTERA (grasshoppers and crickets)
Division Exopterygota (earwigs, grasshoppers, stoneflies, true bugs, and other insects with wings developing externally)
InfraclassNeoptera (bees, beetles, flies, grasshoppers, moths and other advanced insects)
SubclassPTERYGOTA (bees, beetles, dragonflies, flies, grasshoppers, moths and other winged insects)
ClassINSECTA (true insects)
SubphylumHEXAPODA (insects and other 6-legged organisms)
PhylumARTHROPODA (arthropods)
SuperphylumECDYSOZOA (skin shedders)
CladeBilateria (bilaterally symmetrical animals)
SubkingdomEUMETAZOA (metazoans)
KingdomANIMALIA (animals)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)
NBNNBN ( has a distribution map for Schistocerca gregaria (Desert Locust)

Schistocerca gregaria (Desert Locust) may be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

General Works



Avery, R.A. 1974 Identification of Animal Parasites Hulton Group Keys, 182pp, Hulton Educational Publications Ltd.

Literature listed under the following higher taxa may also be relevant to Schistocerca gregaria (Desert Locust):

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