(mushrooms and toadstools)

Subtaxon Example images Rank Featured
No of
No of
ID refs
Fruitbody (Click to open)
Family 134 subtaxa 1,781 images 178 ident. refs
Cap (Click to open)
Family 36 subtaxa 434 images 53 ident. refs
Fruitbody (Click to open)
Family 37 subtaxa 290 images 40 ident. refs
Fruitbody (Click to open)
Family 1 subtaxa 39 images 2 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Family 35 subtaxa 371 images 45 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Family 148 subtaxa 1,315 images 161 ident. refs
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Family 4 subtaxa 3 images 8 ident. refs
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Genus 4 subtaxa 5 images 11 ident. refs
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Family 90 subtaxa 1,542 images 87 ident. refs
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Family 1 subtaxa 15 images
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Family 7 subtaxa 99 images 7 ident. refs
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Family 8 subtaxa 101 images 12 ident. refs
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Family 63 subtaxa 1,304 images 55 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Family 75 subtaxa 813 images 76 ident. refs
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Family 28 subtaxa 331 images 34 ident. refs
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Family 31 subtaxa 395 images 48 ident. refs
Family 1 subtaxa 2 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Family 61 subtaxa 1,042 images 63 ident. refs
 (Click to open) (Click to open)
Family 6 subtaxa 105 images 2 ident. refs
Fruitbody (Click to open)
Family 29 subtaxa 351 images 50 ident. refs
Fruitbody (Click to open)
Species 20 images 2 ident. refs
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Family 23 subtaxa 266 images 50 ident. refs
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Family 12 subtaxa 126 images 24 ident. refs
Species 3 ident. refs
Species 1 ident. refs
Fruitbody (Click to open)
Family 30 subtaxa 658 images 60 ident. refs
Family 1 subtaxa 1 ident. refs
Genus 1 subtaxa 1 ident. refs
Fruitbody (Click to open)
Family 121 subtaxa 921 images 169 ident. refs
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Family 10 subtaxa 66 images 13 ident. refs
Fruitbody (Click to open)
Family 3 subtaxa 63 images 6 ident. refs
 (Click to open)
Family 86 subtaxa 1,121 images 135 ident. refs
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Family 144 subtaxa 1,614 images 214 ident. refs
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Family 5 subtaxa 148 images 8 ident. refs
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Family 10 subtaxa 98 images 9 ident. refs
Taxonomic hierarchy:
OrderAGARICALES (mushrooms and toadstools)
SubclassAGARICOMYCETIDAE (a subclass of basidiomycetes)
ClassAGARICOMYCETES (a class of fungi)
SubphylumAGARICOMYCOTINA (a subphylum of fungi)
PhylumBASIDIOMYCOTA (spore droppers, basidiomycetes)
KingdomFUNGI (true fungi)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)

Identification Works

Anon. Gruppo Micologico <<G. Bresadola>> di Trento - image gallery
Andersson, I. Swedish Fungi
Bon, M. 1999 Les Collybio-Marasmioides et ressemblants Gymnopilus dilepis, 5, 171pp, Marcel Bon
Bon, M. 1997 Clitocybes, Omphales et ressemblants Documents Mycologiques - Flore Mycologique d'Europe, 4, 181pp, Marcel Bon
Bresadola, G. 1927 *** Iconographia Mycologica ***(Superseded)
Dam, N., Kuyper, T.W. 2013 Veldgids Paddenstoelen: Plaatjeszwammen en Boleten Veldgids (Field Guides), 423pp, KNNV Publishing
Henderson, D.M., Orton, P.D. & Watling, R. 1969 Agarics and Boleti - Introduction British Fungus Flora, 1, 58pp, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
() Lange, J.E. 1935 Flora Agaricina Danica (5 volumes) Danish Botanical Society
() Marchand, A. 1971 Champignons du Nord et du Midi (9 volumes) over 2,000 in totalpp, Société Mycologique des Pyrénées Méditerranéenes
McAdam, A. 2007 Keys to the genera of Agarics and Boletes 95pp, British Mycological Society
Noordeloos, M. Machiel’s Website
Orton, P.D. 1960 *** New Checklist of British Agarics and Boleti - Part III: Notes on genera and species in the list ***(Superseded) TBMS Vol 43 (2): 159-439.
Petersen, J.H., Gaba, A. & Laessøe, T. Morphing Mushroom Identifier

AGARICALES (mushrooms and toadstools) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN ( has a distribution map for AGARICALES (mushrooms and toadstools)
BioInfoBioInfo ( has 5,887 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for AGARICALES (mushrooms and toadstools)
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Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on the BioImages website by Malcolm Storey is licensed under the above Creative Commons Licence.

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BioImages - Virtual Field-Guide (UK)