Entoloma dysthales (Peck) Sacc.
(a toadstool)

Taxonomic hierarchy:
SpeciesEntoloma dysthales (a toadstool)
GenusEntoloma (pinkgills)
FamilyENTOLOMATACEAE (pinkgills)
OrderAGARICALES (mushrooms and toadstools)
SubclassAGARICOMYCETIDAE (a subclass of basidiomycetes)
ClassAGARICOMYCETES (a class of fungi)
SubphylumAGARICOMYCOTINA (a subphylum of fungi)
PhylumBASIDIOMYCOTA (spore droppers, basidiomycetes)
KingdomFUNGI (true fungi)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)
Records of Entoloma dysthales (a toadstool) :
1: Entoloma dysthales (a toadstool)
15 Oct 2000 OSGR: SU56 51° 30’ N, 1° 10’ W Vice County: Berks (VC 22) England
in deep shade under holly
Image 1: CapImage 2: Cap, gills, upper stipeImage 3: Fruitbody - side viewImage 4: Gills
2: Entoloma dysthales (a toadstool)
28 Sep 2000 OSGR: SU56 51° 20’ N, 1° 20’ W Vice County: Berks (VC 22) England
amongst mossy roots of leaning Oak
Image 1: CapImage 2: Cap (2)Image 3: FruitbodiesImage 4: Fruitbody - close-upImage 5: Fruitbody - side view and gillsImage 6: GillsImage 7: Two fruitbodies - in situImage 8: Cap - close-upImage 9: GillsImage 10: Gills and stipe apexImage 11: Stipe and gillsImage 12: Brown aborted/effete basidia in hymenium - magnifiedImage 13: Brown aborted/effete basidia - magnifiedImage 14: Brown aborted/effete basidium - magnifiedImage 15: Cap cuticle - scalp - end cells - magnifiedImage 16: Cap cuticle - scalp - end cells - magnified (2)Image 17: Cap cuticle - scalp - magnifiedImage 18: Cap cuticle - scalp - magnified (2)Image 19: Cap cuticle - scalp - highly magnifiedImage 20: Cheilocystida - cylindric shaped ones. - magnifiedImage 21: Cheilocystidia - magnifiedImage 22: Cheilocystidia - magnified (2)Image 23: Gill edge - magnifiedImage 24: Gill edge with brown aborted/effete basidia - magnifiedImage 25: Spores and brown aborted/effete basidium - magnifiedImage 26: Spores - magnifiedImage 27: Spores - highly magnifiedImage 28: Stipe - apical tomentum - magnifiedImage 29: Stipe - basal tomentum - encrusted - magnifiedImage 30: Stipe - basal tomentum - magnifiedImage 31: Stipe - basal tomentum - magnified (2)
3: Entoloma dysthales (a toadstool)
4 Jul 1981 OSGR: ST89 51° 40’ N, 2° 10’ W Vice County: East Glos (VC 33) England
Image 1: CollectionImage 2: Fruitbodies - side viewImage 3: Fruitbody - side view - in situImage 4: Fruitbody - side view - lain downImage 5: Fruitbody - side view - in situ - enlargedImage 6: Gills and stipe apex - close-up - enlargedImage 7: Cap cuticle and veil hyphae - magnifiedImage 8: Caulocystidia - magnifiedImage 9: Cheilocystidia - magnifiedImage 10: Spores - highly magnifiedImage 11: DescriptionImage 12: Description - contd

Entoloma dysthales (a toadstool) may be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN (data.nbn.org.uk) has a distribution map for Entoloma dysthales (a toadstool)
BioInfoBioInfo (www.bioinfo.org.uk) has 3 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for Entoloma dysthales (a toadstool)

A small dark brownish grey toadstool with pink spores. It is common in groups in damp places in deciduous woodland, especially under Alnus and Fraxinus but it is often overlooked.

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BioImages - Virtual Field-Guide (UK)