Hygrocybe miniata (Fr.) P. Kumm.
(Vermilion Waxcap)

Taxonomic hierarchy:
SpeciesHygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
SubgenusPseudohygrocybe (a subgenus of waxcaps)
GenusHygrocybe (waxcaps, waxcap mushrooms)
FamilyHYGROPHORACEAE (waxcaps and woodwaxes)
OrderAGARICALES (mushrooms and toadstools)
SubclassAGARICOMYCETIDAE (a subclass of basidiomycetes)
ClassAGARICOMYCETES (a class of fungi)
SubphylumAGARICOMYCOTINA (a subphylum of fungi)
PhylumBASIDIOMYCOTA (spore droppers, basidiomycetes)
KingdomFUNGI (true fungi)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)
Records of Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap) :
1: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
6 Dec 2015 OSGR: SU00 50° 50’ N, 1° 60’ W Vice County: Dorset (VC 9) England
ring of 20 fruitbodies, singly and in small clusters, around Holly tree
Image 1: CapImage 2: GillsImage 3: Three fruitbodiesImage 4: Three fruitbodies - lying down to show capsImage 5: Three fruitbodies - lying down to show gillsImage 6: Gill trama - magnifiedImage 7: Gill trama - magnified (2)Image 8: Gill trama - magnified (3)Image 9: Gill trama - magnified (4)Image 10: Spores - magnified - white backgroundImage 11: Spores - highly magnifiedImage 12: Spores - highly magnified (2)Image 13: Spores - highly magnified (3)Image 14: Spores - highly magnified (4)Image 15: Spores - highly magnified - white backgroundImage 16: Spores - highly magnified - white background (2)
2: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
19 Oct 2014 OSGR: SZ19 50° 50’ N, 1° 50’ W Vice County: South Hants (VC 11) England
in heathy grassland, near Calluna
Image 1: Fruitbodies - lower side view - natural backgroundImage 2: Fruitbodies - oblique view - natural backgroundImage 3: Fruitbodies - side viewImage 4: Fruitbodies - side view - natural backgroundImage 5: Fruitbodies - top viewImage 6: Spores - magnifiedImage 7: Spores - highly magnifiedImage 8: Spores - highly magnified (2)
3: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
13 Oct 1997 OSGR: SU57 51° 30’ N, 1° 20’ W Vice County: Berks (VC 22) England
Image 1: CapImage 2: Cap (2)Image 3: CapsImage 4: FruitbodiesImage 5: FruitbodyImage 6: Fruitbody (2)Image 7: Fruitbody - LSImage 8: Gills
4: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
1 Oct 1979 OSGR: SU83 51° 10’ N, 0° 50’ W Vice County: Surrey (VC 17) England
in grassy path through pine wood
Image 1: CollectionImage 2: Spores - highly magnifiedImage 3: Description
5: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
11 Nov 1978 OSGR: SU82 51° 0’ N, 0° 50’ W Vice County: West Sussex (VC 13) England
amongst grass
Image 1: CollectionImage 2: Fruitbody - old - side viewImage 3: DescriptionImage 4: Description - contd
6: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
11 Nov 1978 OSGR: SU82 51° 0’ N, 0° 50’ W Vice County: North Hants (VC 12) England
amongst grass
Image 1: CollectionImage 2: Fruitbody - old - top viewImage 3: Fruitbody - side view - in situImage 4: Fruitbody - side view showing gills - lain downImage 5: Fruitbody - top view - in situ - enlargedImage 6: DescriptionImage 7: Description - contd
7: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
11 Nov 1978 OSGR: SU82 51° 0’ N, 0° 50’ W Vice County: North Hants (VC 12) England
Image 1: Fruitbodies - side view - lain downImage 2: Fruitbody - side view - in situImage 3: Cap - top view - close-up - enlargedImage 4: DescriptionImage 5: Description - contd
8: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
28 Oct 1978 OSGR: SU84 51° 10’ N, 0° 40’ W Vice County: Surrey (VC 17) England
in grassy strip down centre of path over heathland
Image 1: Fruitbodies - old - top view - in situImage 2: Fruitbodies - side viewImage 3: Fruitbodies - side view - base exposedImage 4: Fruitbody - side view showing gills - lain downImage 5: Fruitbody - side view - enlargedImage 6: DescriptionImage 7: Description - contd
9: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
21 Oct 1978 OSGR: SU96 51° 20’ N, 0° 40’ W Vice County: Surrey (VC 17) England
in grass and moss of lawn
Image 1: CollectionImage 2: Fruitbodies - side view - in situ - base exposedImage 3: Fruitbodies - side view - in situ - base exposed - enlargedImage 4: Fruitbody - young - side view - in situ - base exposed - enlargedImage 5: Spores - magnifiedImage 6: Description
10: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
18 Sep 1978 OSGR: SE14 53° 50’ N, 1° 50’ W Vice County: North-east Yorks (VC 62) England
cluster of 10 fb’s in field amongst grass
Image 1: DescriptionImage 2: Description - contd
11: Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
23 Oct 1977 OSGR: SU94 51° 10’ N, 0° 40’ W Vice County: Surrey (VC 17) England
Image 1: Fruitbody - side view - enlargedImage 2: Fruitbody - side view showing gills and stipe - enlarged

Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap) may be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN (data.nbn.org.uk) has a distribution map for Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)
BioInfoBioInfo (www.bioinfo.org.uk) has 1 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for Hygrocybe miniata (Vermilion Waxcap)

A small to medium-sized reddish waxcap with a dry and finely squamulose cap and broadly adnate gills. There is often a narrow yellow margin to the cap. Found in grasslands, fixed dunes, open coniferous plantations and heaths. The toadstool is common and widespread in the UK and is our commonest waxcap on acid soils. The small scarlet waxcaps have been much confused in the past and older records should be treated with caution.


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