Leccinum scabrum (Bull.) Gray
(Brown Birch Bolete)

Taxonomic hierarchy:
SpeciesLeccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
GenusLeccinum (a genus of boletes)
FamilyBOLETACEAE (sponge cap toadstools)
OrderBOLETALES (spongecap toadstools and their relatives, boletes)
SubclassAGARICOMYCETIDAE (a subclass of basidiomycetes)
ClassAGARICOMYCETES (a class of fungi)
SubphylumAGARICOMYCOTINA (a subphylum of fungi)
PhylumBASIDIOMYCOTA (spore droppers, basidiomycetes)
KingdomFUNGI (true fungi)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)
Records of Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete) :
1: Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
1 Nov 2003 OSGR: SU56 51° 20’ N, 1° 20’ W Vice County: Berks (VC 22) England
Image 1: CapImage 2: Fruitbody - LSImage 3: Fruitbody - side viewImage 4: Fruitbody - side view (2)Image 5: Cap surface - enlargedImage 6: Cap surface - enlarged (2)Image 7: Pores - enlargedImage 8: Cap cuticle - magnifiedImage 9: Cap cuticle - magnified (2)Image 10: Cap cuticle - magnified (3)Image 11: Cap cuticle - magnified (4)
2: Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
1 Nov 2003 OSGR: SU56 51° 20’ N, 1° 20’ W Vice County: Berks (VC 22) England
Image 1: CapImage 2: Fruitbody - LSImage 3: Fruitbody - side viewImage 4: Fruitbody - side-viewImage 5: StipeImage 6: Cap margin - enlargedImage 7: Cap surface - enlargedImage 8: Cap surface - enlarged (2)Image 9: Pores - enlargedImage 10: Stipe - base - surface - enlargedImage 11: Stipe - mid - surface - enlargedImage 12: Stipe - upper - surface - enlargedImage 13: Cap cuticle - heavily encrusted hypha - magnifiedImage 14: Cap cuticle - magnified
3: Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
27 Oct 2001 OSGR: SU76 51° 20’ N, 0° 60’ W Vice County: North Hants (VC 12) England
3 rather soggy fruitbodies under Pine, Birch
Image 1: CapImage 2: Cap (2)Image 3: Cap and upper stem - LS - 1 hour after cuttingImage 4: Cap and upper stem - LS - immediately on cuttingImage 5: Cap - LS - 1 hour after cuttingImage 6: Cap - LS - 5 hours after cuttingImage 7: Fruitbody - LS - 0 hours after cuttingImage 8: Fruitbody - LS - 1 hour after cuttingImage 9: Fruitbody - LS - 5 hours after cuttingImage 10: Fruitbody - side viewImage 11: In situImage 12: In situ (2)Image 13: PoresImage 14: Stipe apex - close-upImage 15: Stipe base - close-upImage 16: Cap surface - enlargedImage 17: Cap cuticleImage 18: Cap cuticle (2)Image 19: Cap cuticle (3)Image 20: Cap cuticle (4)Image 21: Cap cuticle (5)Image 22: Cap cuticle (6)Image 23: Cap cuticle (7)Image 24: Cap cuticle (8)Image 25: Cap cuticle (9)
4: Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
12 Oct 2001 OSGR: SU56 51° 30’ N, 1° 10’ W Vice County: Berks (VC 22) England
under Aspen, (Birch, Grey Sallow nearby)
Image 1: Cap and tubes - LSImage 2: Cap and upper stipe - LSImage 3: Cap - older - underside showing pore surfaceImage 4: Cap - young - underside showing pore surfaceImage 5: Fruitbodies - side viewImage 6: Fruitbody - LS - 05 minutes after cuttingImage 7: Fruitbody - LS - 0 minutes after cuttingImage 8: Fruitbody - LS - 15 minutes after cuttingImage 9: Fruitbody - LS - 60 minutes after cuttingImage 10: Fruitbody - side viewImage 11: Fruitbody - side view (2)Image 12: In situ - capsImage 13: In situ - caps (2)Image 14: In situ - oblique viewImage 15: In situ - side viewImage 16: Stipe - apex - close-upImage 17: Stipe - apex - close-up (2)Image 18: Stipe - base - close-upImage 19: Cap surface - enlargedImage 20: Pores - enlargedImage 21: Stipe - mid section - enlargedImage 22: Cap cuticleImage 23: Cap cuticle elementsImage 24: Spores - magnifiedImage 25: Spores - highly magnified
5: Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
13 Sep 1997 OSGR: SU56 51° 20’ N, 1° 10’ W Vice County: Berks (VC 22) England
under birch, oak, Salix cinerea, rowan
Image 1: CapImage 2: Cap surface - close-upImage 3: Cap undersurfaceImage 4: FruitbodyImage 5: Fruitbody (2)Image 6: Fruitbody - LSImage 7: Pores - close-up showing colour change on bruisingImage 8: Stipe - close-up
6: Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
30 Sep 1985 OSGR: SU46 51° 20’ N, 1° 20’ W Vice County: Berks (VC 22) England
Image 1: CapImage 2: Side view - in situImage 3: Side view - lain downImage 4: Mid-stipe - surface - enlargedImage 5: Mid-stipe - surface - enlarged (2)Image 6: Pores - enlargedImage 7: Spores - highly magnifiedImage 8: DescriptionImage 9: Description - contd
7: Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
18 Aug 1978 OSGR: NO06 56° 50’ N, 3° 30’ W Vice County: East Perthshire (VC 89) Scotland
Image 1: Cap - oblique view - close-up - in situImage 2: Fruitbody - side view showing pore surface and stipe - lain downImage 3: Fruitbody - side view showing stipe - in situ
8: Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
17 Oct 1971 OSGR: SE64 53° 60’ N, 1° 0’ W Vice County: South-east Yorks (VC 61) England
under birch
Image 1: Fruitbodies - in situ
9: Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
2 Aug 1970 OSGR: TQ15 51° 20’ N, 0° 20’ W Vice County: Surrey (VC 17) England
under birch
Image 1: Fruitbody - turned over to show pore surfaceImage 2: Pore surface - close-up - enlarged

Identification Works

Hills, A. 2000 Leccinum melaneum Vol 1 (1) Page: Back cover
Orton, P.D. 1988 Notes on British Agarics IX TBMS Vol 91 (4): 545-571.
Phillips, R. 2000 Leccinum molle Vol 1 (1) Page: Back cover
Weightman, J. 2014 From shredded wheat to flour – a look at stipe ornament Field Mycology Vol 15 (3): 100-103.

Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN (data.nbn.org.uk) has a distribution map for Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
BioInfoBioInfo (www.bioinfo.org.uk) has 10 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for Leccinum scabrum (Brown Birch Bolete)
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This website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.

Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on the BioImages website by Malcolm Storey is licensed under the above Creative Commons Licence.

Photographs from other photographers are used with permission but not included under the above CC licence.

BioImages - Virtual Field-Guide (UK)